Welcome to modern Lean Tools, Simulators and Games.

The goal of this site is to provide free teaching materials for everyone interrested in learning Lean... and everybody should know Lean Concepts.

Demonstrating concepts using simulations or games is the best way to illustrating benefits of theses concepts. Usually, Lean professionnals gather students around a table to play a simulation, which is the most efficient way to achieve best result. But once the class is over, student who want to remember a concept can come here to review their knowledge, or even to talk about it with a coworker.

The purpose here is to give a broader interest in Lean. We hope more people can have access to learning material. Even if you think Lean doesn't apply to you, have a look here. I'm sure somes concept can be applied in your work environment, or even in your personnal life.

Please that everything on this site doesn't replace a professionnal who can analyse your situation and give you a personnalised teaching.

This site is under development. Please feel free to suggest (at the bottom of the page) new simulations, games or tools, or way to improve the actuals ones. There ares many tools in progress, so stay tuned. We hope that soon, this site will have hundred of useful free tools just for you.


Batch Vs. Flow Simulator

A Batch Vs. Flow Simulator to help you find out wich one is better in a particular scenario.

Push-Pull Simulator

A Push-Pull Simulator to demonstrate the problems with Push systems.

5S Number Game

A fun little card game to demonstrate you the benefits of implementing 5S in your environment.

Takt Time Calculator

The calculator helps you estimate real time targets for production.

This site use advertising to keep providing free material.


Applying 5S on folders

10 November 2016

Have you ever open a drawer to find something and it was so messy that you lost several minutes to find it? Well, data in your enterprise may look like the messy drawer.